Online course and simulator for engineering thermodynamics

Thermoptim browser

General presentation

A browser capable of emulating Thermoptim makes it possible to carry out guided explorations of models of energy systems whose scenario is described in html files.

The browser proposes to find values ​​in the simulator screens, to re-configure it to perform sensitivity analyzes, to display cycles in thermodynamic charts...

Browser home page

The icon at the top left of the browser screen gives access to the different explorations available.

Browser menu


The scenario is presented in the browser which successively displays the different explanations and activities to be performed, emulating Thermoptim whenever necessary.

Process discovery activity

Various activities can be offered: QCU, QCM, entering values​​...

Sample questions

Download and launch the browser

Instructions on how to install the various versions of the 2.82 Thermoptim browser are given in this page, for Linux, MacIntosh and Windows.

Starting explorations

The list of available guided explorations is displayed in the menu at the top left of the browser screen.

This list is also presented in detail on this page of the portal, with a short description for each of them.

Browser menu

If you do not know Thermoptim, start with the first on the list which will give you the essential indications.

Choose the guided exploration you are interested in and follow the instructions given to you.

copyright R. Gicquel v2024.2

Created with Scenari (new window)